Manischewitz Cherry Fruit Wine 750 Ml
Manischewitz Cherry is a sweet and fruity wine is bursting with the essence of freshly harvested Red Cherries. Fermentation at 65 degrees in stainless steel tanks allows the wine to maintain the refreshing aroma and fruitiness of fresh Cherries. Sweet yet balanced with a generous mouthfeel, the fruitiness of this wine is delicious when served chilled on its own, in a wine cocktail or with your favorite foods. Manischewitz Cherry Fruit Wine is great for a variety of occasions, whether you're entertaining friends and family or you need a kosher wine gift to take to a dinner party. This wine has 11% alcohol by volume. The convenient twist-off cap ensures no wine opener is needed, making it easy to enjoy a bottle anytime, anywhere. All Manischewitz Wines are made and bottled under the strict Rabbinical supervision of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, and they carry the mark of quality that signifies adherence to Orthodox Union guidelines.