Recall 09-25-2023

Product Recall/Withdrawal

Classification: Product Withdrawal
Summary: Colorado Ranchers Inc. has announced a voluntary market withdrawal on Fresco Round 12oz Queso Fresco Cheese due to an error in production. The product does not meet quality standards, but does not pose an immediate health risk to consumers.

Product Information:
UPC Product Description Size Lot Code/Expiration Date:

644404137759 Queso Campesino Queso Fresco Cheese 12 OZ FRE3A0080823

Please do not use the item(s) and instead, return it/them to the store for a refund or replacement.

We are committed to your health and safety, and we follow best practices to ensure the quality and safety of the products we sell. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

For any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service center at 1-800-451-8500.